Breaking News: Covid19 Exposed As Globalist Hoax To Usher In Orwells1984 – Viruses Are NOT Contagious!

Can a Virus Cross from Animal to Human, or Human to Human?

The answer is no. A virus is made specifically by your body for the purpose of healing via excretion and clean-up of toxins. According to this new way of understanding, a virus is made specifically for a cell, group of cells or organ, so viruses don’t even cross organs, let alone from one human body to another. 

The Glaring Truth To Remember Is….Germ Theory Is False. Viruses are Generated Within The Body, They Do Not Come From Outside The Body. Viruses Are Not Alive, Viruses Are Not Contagious. Viruses Cannot Be Transmitted Between People Or Transferred Between Species. – Dr Stefan Lanka – Virologist

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